Consultant for the Federal Police and CIA, as the leading expert in the field of the instruments called “polygraphs”, that are sensors that pick up electrical signals of intermittent character, with variable intensity, and turn them into tracks that can be studied and interpreted.
The most popular Polygraph is the Electroencephalograph.
Another well-known polygraph is the “lie detector”.
Cleve Baxter, experimenting on animals and plants, discovered that in all forms of life there is an electrical energy.
Some results can be regarded as upsetting:
The electrical energy present in plants and animals, that is defined as “Primary Perception”, shows fluctuations leading to the certain conclusion that also animals and plants, in similarity with human beings, have feelings and emotions.
Cleve Baxter made his experience available to José Silva for an in-depth study of the experiments that concludes the Silva Method class: the pupils try real cases: projecting their conscious mind at distance and interpreting the signals that come from another human being, distant and unknown.
Signals with which it’s possible have a frame of health, or character, sometimes even the physical appearance or profession of unknown and distant persons.
The distance does not interfere with the Perception: from Turin, Italy, I witnessed accurate perception of people in New Zealand, Scotland, Venezuela.

Lived in Turin, Italy, and the author had the privilege of meeting him and attending some experiments.
Rol is deemed the most exceptional psychic of all time.
The world doesn’t know him because his choice was to live a normal life, with few devoted friends, avoiding any contact that could have made him famous disturbing his quiet life.
The book reports experiences of supernatural phenomena to which the author has witnessed and somehow took part.

During its construction the author, who at that time was part of the designed team of the construction site, reports episodes that validate the phenomenon called Synchrodestiny:
Remarkable coincidences, that Carl Jung gave the name of Synchronicity, indicate the presence of mysterious perceptions that lead us to the right choice in crucial moments of our life.

The famous painter and sculptor thanks to the Jose’s Silva techniques unlocked unconscious memories that caused him big problems of character and socialization.
As he told me, the Silva Method restored him the joy of living.